CI&T Software
✯ Business approach focused on financial services and digital acquisition.
✯ Construction of new web applications that are the result of tool ideas for use in the agency and/or for all citizens.
✯ Preparation and development of the entire application cycle, from development/approval environments to production.
✯ Implementation of unit tests (back-end and front-end).
✯ Day-to-day technical guidance, constant learning exchange with the team.
Spring Boot, Angular 7/9, Oracle database, Docker, AWS and Gitlab CI.
Programming Languages:
Java 8/11 and Typescript.
Methodologies and Concepts:
Scrum, IoC, Dependency Injection, Code Review, Pair Programming and Automated Tests
Nitryx Consultoria
✯ Application optimization, bringing new approaches, code improvement and agile progress of the project
✯ Implementation of unit tests (back-end and front-end).
✯ Day-to-day technical guidance, constant learning exchange with the team.
Spring Boot, Angular 7/9, AWS Storage, Hibernate, JPA, Gradle, Git Flow, Docker and Bitbucket.
Programming Languages:
Java 11 and Typescript.
Methodologies and Concepts:
Scrum, IoC, Dependency Injection, and Code Review.
Globalweb Corp
✯ Construction of new web applications that are the result of tool ideas for use in the agency and/or for all citizens.
✯ Preparation and development of the entire application cycle, from development/approval environments to production.
✯ Implementation of unit tests (back-end and front-end).
✯ Day-to-day technical guidance, constant learning exchange with the team.
Spring Boot, Angular 7/9, IBM DB2, Hibernate, JPA, Maven, Git Flow, Docker and Gitlab CI.
Programming Languages:
Java 11 and Typescript.
Methodologies and Concepts:
Scrum, IoC, Dependency Injection, Code Review and Pair Programming.
Capgemini Brasil
✯ Implementation of corrections seeking application optimization.
✯ Implementation of unit tests (back-end and front-end).
✯ Day-to-day technical guidance, constant learning exchange with the team.
Wildfly, PostgreSQL, JPA, Hibernate, Spring Framework Spring Boot, Angular JS, Angular 2/4, Docker and Maven.
Programming Languages:
Java 8, Javascript and Typescript.
Methodologies and Concepts:
Scrum, IoC, Dependency Injection, Code Review and Pair Programming.
BASIS Tecnologia da Informação
✯ Implementation of corrections and new feature, seeking application optimization. ✔ Survey of requirements.
✯ Construction of automated interface tests.
JBoss, PostgreSQL, JPA, Hibernate, Spring Framework, JSF, Primefaces and Maven.
Programming Languages:
Java 7 and 8.
Methodologies and Concepts:
Scrum, IoC, Dependency Injection, Code Review and Pair Programming.
Such a Software
✯ Construction and implementation of an electronic invoice module (NF-e) seeking integration with web systems and the automation of product sales and service rendering.
✯ Development of new features and optimization of points modules.
Apache Tomcat, PostgreSQL, JPA, Hibernate, JSF, Richfaces, Primefaces and Maven.
Programming Languages:
Java 7.
Tribunal de Contas da União
✯ Developed small and medium-sized applications, using Oracle Application Express (Apex) and BD Oracle, aimed at demands generated in the body itself.
Oracle Application Express (Apex), databases Oracle and MySQL.
Programming Languages:
Defense Ministry
✯ The occupations were the maintenance of problem-solving systems, that is, the hardware or software and the help desk service.
API Telegram
Chat messages shared in Telegram Bots retrieved through Javascript, Json and HTML.
See in Github
Animated Git Flow
An experimental attempt at React to visualize and animate the flow of Git Flow. [pt-BR]
See in Github
Project developed in a Java course for the Web with JSF and JPA. The central idea is the creation of a system for universities that contemplates students, teachers, classes, disciplines and their respective schedules.
See in Github